How to be a loser?
Advice from Jim Lutes, the subconscious mind trainer.
This is a short excerpt from Jim Lutes interview conducted by David Laroche (youtube video).

David Laroche: Jim, I have a serious question for you. I would love to help people and me first, how can I become a loser? Some key advice?

Jim Lute: Yes look and see what everybody else does and do that. My philosophy is to look and see what everyone does and don’t do that. Don’t make money the way they make money, don’t treat people the way they treat people, don’t eat what they eat, don’t think what they think, don’t read what they read, don’t go where they go because… guess what, you're going to be just like the masses, the majority.
There’s nothing wrong with that if you are happy. But if you want to move beyond the majority then don’t do what they do. So if you want to operate above average all the time, simply look at what everybody else does and don’t do that.
I get up at 4:00 am in the morning and I am in the gym by 5. When 4'O clock comes, all I have to do is ask myself a question: what would an average person do? Go back to sleep — I don’t do that. I get up. Would an average person eat that? Yea — then I don’t eat that. Would an average person blow off reading that book? — OK, I’ve got to read it then. So I am always operating above average.
So when somebody is not happy or they are not motivated, there is a difference between wanting and hoping and creating a plan to do it. So go back to the subconscious: if we’re able to get them to internally believe it's possible for them then they’ll be motivated.
Easy another example to give you is that: Somebody will not start a business they don’t believe in that only costs $500 dollars but they can make a million dollars. That person will tell you they don’t have $500 dollars. But next month they’ll go pay $5,000 to learn to cut hair. Why? Because they believe that if they get that degree to cut the hair, they can make $20,000–$30,000 a year. They don’t start a business that they can make $20,000–$30,000 a month. They don’t believe it. When you talk about a millionaire, what subconsciously you want to do, going back to your question how to be a loser question…, very important that your excitation, your excitement and belief are in alignment.
If I tell somebody that instead of making twenty thousand dollars a year they’re going to be millionaires… they’re going to say “very very difficult!” They’d say that sounds good, that would be cool… but they don’t believe it.
So you know what I tell somebody that makes twenty thousand a year, I’m going to show you how to make $40,000. Now they’re excited and believe I can make $40,000. When they go to $40,000, we take them to $80,000 then to $160,000 to $320,000 to $640,000 to $1,000,000. So the solution is to step up the leader and don’t try to go from the bottom to all the way to the top because your mind goes “I don’t know if I can do that”.
Before you’re going to make $1,000,000 (a million) dollars, you need to make $100,000. Before you make $100,000 you need to learn how to make $10,000. Before you make $10,000 you need to learn how to make a $1,000 but first $10 but before that… your first $1.
Once you’re able to stair steps up, your subconscious says. “I can do that”, “I can go to that next step” and that is how you move your way keeping belief in sync with where you moved.