Money Quotes
2 min readSep 22, 2021
These are my personal quotes on the topic of “Money”.
“When there is money in your hand and not in your heart, it will not harm you even if it is a lot; and when it is in your heart, it will harm you even if there is none in your hands.”
— Imam Ibnul Khayyam
Money is a good reason to do something — but it is one of the worst reasons to do something great.
— Personal Quote
Money is a vehicle, it takes you somewhere. You must know where you want money to take you. Money on its own is never a destination.
— Personal Quote
Real WEALTH is what you can DO WITHOUT your money.
— KRS-One
The greatest reward in becoming a millionaire is NOT the amount of money that you earn. It is the kind of person that you have to become to become a millionaire.
— Jim Rohn
Wealth is what is left when you lose money
— Roger James Hamilton.
Whatever money you have, it will eventually fall — or rise — back to your level of wealth which is your real richness.
— Roger James Hamilton.
Every successful wealth creator has kept to this focus of playing their game: focusing on creating value and then leveraging. This is what creates the money flow. This is the Wealth Equation.
— Hamilton, Roger James.
Become a man of value, not money. Money is a shadow of value, and unless you are valuable, there is no money in “you”.
— Unknown
Money is for 70 odd years. Billionaires get buried next to taxi drivers and pizza sellers… and all become dust. So money is not a big deal. It's 70 odd years of life and 70 odd years of money. Don’t run after it, it is not everything.
— R. Sharma.
Lots of possessions in life that you think you own, actually own you. Like wistful Habits, like Property on a mortgage, like borrowed money, like life on lease.
— R. Sharma.
Not a person become great chasing money.
— R. Sharma
Be cause-driven. If your source of motivation is money, you are not going to sustain ups and downs, the pain and failures that you need to get to world-class.
— Unknown
The real goal of making money should be financial independence and time independence. We need financial independence, so that money doesn’t distract us from our cause. We need oxygen to live, but oxygen is not our earnings. We live on oxygen, but it's not our reason to live.
— Personal Quote