Smallself vs Grandself. The two opposite ways of living
There exist two possibilities of you either becoming a “Smallself” or “Grandself”. Both are equally achievable but one achievement is automatic another requires action.
Both “smallself” and “grandself” exist in you and both have a set of principles and rules. Both have their own levels of pain-tolerance, risk-taking and what they think is the “right-thing-to-do”. They are two ways of living and by following either of the two, you become what they are; small or grand.

Being small is not wrong or bad, it is just what it is: smallness. If you chose to follow principles of smallself, you will end up being there, and so are principles of Grandself which uplift you towards greatness and being a grand form of life.
Pick either of the two — but the worse will be if you move between smallself and grandself frequently. People who oscillate between two destinations are forever travellers. Don’t be that!
May Allah bless you with the best of Duniya and the best of Aakhira. Aamin.