What to do when your beliefs are not working?
In situations when you have a belief, and you despite having it you find it is not working… then it may be because of one of two reasons.

- Either belief is not your own. You were fed with this belief by somebody. You were told that this is what you want. In your blank page of mind, somebody wrote something “for you”. Instead of it being written through your own hand and your own pen, the dream was written through someone else’s hand and someone’s pen. It was not your belief and it is not your belief still. When this happens, you find you lack steam, the pressure and power to move towards them.
- Or, your beliefs are your own, but you have a stronger fear-based belief blocking you from getting there.
In either case, you find a lack of action. You find staying there standing and wishing but not acting or acting enough to make it happen. But in either of the above cases, the belief doesn’t make sense. And when a belief doesn't make sense, it is the END of the process of “Letting it go”.
To get clarity: Ask
What will happen the belief would come true?
If you believe something to be true and you claim you want it badly, what will it bring with it which is undesirable to you? What negative outcome are you trying to avoid in pursuit of your dream?
This question gets you clarity. It helps you look at the unwanted site of the reality you want. If this unwanted/undesirable aspect belief/dream/goal is bigger than the desired one, you will not move forward towards the desirable part either.
Hope it helps!
May Allah help you get all you want and all you need.